Jack Zane and Jonathan Claiborne Pay Tribute to Jim Kehoe on Koons Ford Terp Talk Tonight at 6PM

Two terrapin legends, Jack Zane and Jonathan Claiborne weigh in tonight on Terp Talk about the passing of former AD James “Jim” Kehoe. Please if you have comments on Kehoe email them to me at bposner7@gmail.com or place them in the comments section on the site. We will also discuss the crucial 2 game home stand for the Terrapins starting with NC State Saturday night. Listen in live on the web or live on ESPN 1300.

Maryland Basketball, Radio Shows
There is One Response to this Post
  1. Buddy Williamson

    I think it is to late for your show, but I would like to pay tribute to “coach”. He made a real impact on the lives of many men. He was well organized and built a track program like no other I have seen. A no nonsence person, he said what he meant and meant what he said. He was totally congruent with his message. He lived what he preached. Passionate to win, demanding the best out of his boys. There was no better person to have on your side if you wanted to be the best. He would move mountains to make sure you have every opportunity to excell. Break his rules and he will not hesitate to let you have what you deserve, whoever you are. The great thing about him was that the next day after he let you have it, it seemed to be forgotten. He knew how to let it go and move forward. He built you right back up again. He did not hold grudges. James Kehoe, a unique and very special man.

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

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