Cover 3: Wayne Viener Weighs In on Transfer From Terps to MARYLAND Moniker—The Image of Maryland

Wayne is an enthusiastic contributor to Terp Talk. Here is his first blog for the website

The Image of Maryland

I like the White Ops uniforms that we used at West Virginia on Saturday.  I think Under Armour does a good job for Maryland. I also love the football Pride uniforms.  Those uniforms give us an identity.  
We had an identity with the Terps logos on both our white helmets (recently) and the red helmets from the 80’s.  That was a winning identity and the world knew who we were.

Our athletic director, Kevin Anderson came on board and wanted to adjust the University’s brand. Terps needed to go and MARYLAND was the brand. I am not sure who got the job to remake the image and who selected the odd font that MARYLAND is presented. It has not been well received by the general fan base.

Hey, I don’t run the athletic department so if you want to re-brand, go ahead.

As “Wayne the Fan”, I know what I want to see and that is the white Terps script on the red helmet. These are the Maryland TERPS. Not MARYLAND. But if that is what the department wants, MARYLAND in a funky font that looks like it came from a rest stop on route 95. then so be it.

Here is where I have an issue. The Athletic Department wants an identity. It wants an identity so badly that it throws out TERPS and switches to MARYLAND. And Then… we change the uniforms every week.
When you watch Terp football, you don’t know what you are going to see as far as uniforms. If you don’t watch on a regular basis and you see a highlight, you don’t even know it is Maryland.

Case in point, we finally get back on national tv, alibi buried on DirecTV 248, we break out new uniforms. Although beautiful, artful and subtle, they don’t look like us. Where is the identity?

We dumped TERPS to build an identity and then come up with a uniform concept that skews our identity to make us nearly unrecognizable to the average fan. I think that this confuses the fan at which the new identity was aimed.

So what do I think the die-hard fan-base wants? How about a throw-back to the 80’s look? We had all the colors, red, black, gold and white along with the red helmets. Maybe just give that a spin for homecoming. At least you would know it is the Maryland Terps who are on the field without picking up a copy of GQ.

There Are 2 Responses to this Post
  1. freddy from boca

    i thought the new white uniforms were bland, dull. i only liked the white shoes. i agree with wayne on the helmets. red with terps on white with terps. md has great colrs to work with red gold black and white yet the uni’s sat. looked like something a semi pro team with little money would have. for home red jerseys…double white stripes over shoulders with gold stripe in between. the numbers and names in the same font as the uni’s 2 years ago. white pants double red stripe straight down the leg gold stripe in between. you can use a very thin black stripe bordering the gold on pants and jersey. white shoes. the pride uniforms are fine if they were for a jousting team or if they were a design for a taxi cab. winning is the best branding.

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

  2. James

    I agree with Wayne on TERPS, but to me it doesn’t matter what color the helmets are, as long as it has the script TERPS on the side. That had become the brand as far as the football team was concerned. Last year, when they wore the helmets with nothing on the side,that was just terrible. I’m partial to the white helmets with TERPS on the side, but red ain’t bad either. Another stickler is the black socks, Iknow thats the rage in college sports, but they are not a good look. Idon’t think alot of fans know about this site, should be more comments, but I love it. BRING BACK THE SCRIPT “TERPS”

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

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