Koons Ford Presents The Sports Maven Saturday Morning at 9AM on 1300 AM

Some of the topics for Saturday morning’s show:

The Ravens are going to the Super Bowl—-thorough review of Patriots game

What a difference a 4 weeks made for the Ravens

Key game of the season—redskins defeat the Ravens—then the dominoes fellinto place

Pat Joe Flacco his money already

Anquan–sign him or let him go

Scramble for Super Bowl tickets

Revis island leaving New York?

Tremendous crowd at fan fest

NFL fines Brady $10K for sliding kick ar Ed Reed

Anna “Miss Hooters International” apologizes to Ray Lewis

Ray’s last game –the legacy he leaves

Why does everyone in the country dislike the Ravens?

Tribute to Earl Weaver

Did Dwight Howard ruin the lakers?

How has Monte Te’os status for the draft been effected

Orioles ticket sales through the roof

Synergy of O’s, Ravens Michael Phelps


Maryland Basketball, Radio Shows, Ravens
There is One Response to this Post
  1. Brian2580

    Bottom line is most longtime football fans still view the Ravens as the Cleveland Browns and don’t respect a large portion of the Baltimore football fan base. This is driven by a number of factors:

    1. They complain about Indy stealing the Colts but have no problem with the fact that they stole the Browns.

    2. They are blessed with a fantastic front office but don’t appreciate it at all. All we heard all season on local sports talk radio were fans calling for Flacco to be benched, for Ray Lewis to be placed on IR, for Ray Rice to be relegated to a 3rd down back all of which would have resulted in the team not even making the playoffs. (I.e. the one poster on this site who thinks Flacco doesn’t have the mental capacity to start in the NFL)

    3. A very vocal portion of their fan base were or should have already been established fans of other teams prior to the Ravens arriving and have switched allegiances. Real sports fans get 1 team per sport no switching allowed. This primarily applies to fans born between approximately 1975 and 1988.

    4. They’ve overly embraced Ray Lewis – I think Wes Welker’s wife said it all. Good football player certainly not someone to look up to though.

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

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