JT: “We always have different plans with faceoffs. Charlie’s been a bit nicked up and he’s been in and out of the lineup. We have a lot of confidence in Jon (Garino) and Andrew (Walsh). We have a couple other guys we can go to if we needed to. Charlie continues to make good progress. He was dressed last week and we’ll see how he is on Saturday.
He’s a guy that’s hard to keep off the field but as coaches, we’re in charge of their well being and sometimes we have to save the guys from themselves. We have to look at the big picture more than the young people do and that’s our job. We have to look at if we play a guy and he gets hurt he might take two steps back and do we really want to do that. We have to think about what’s best for that young person.
Some of these guys are warriors and as a society we always compliment those type of guys and say, “You’re a warrior.” But sometimes it not the right place or time to ask a guy to be a warrior because you really have to protect them. You look at the risk-reward of every situation. Charlie is eager to get back but we’re going to make sure that we’re doing what’s best for Charlie and his long term health and the team as well.”
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