Around the Horn

USA 1 Panama 1 as Michael Bradley scores in the 2nd half to tie game–USA Seeded #1 in Knockout round

Ravens still +4 for opening day against Denver

Spieth 5-1, Dustin Johnson (my pick) is 7 1/2 to 1 and Ricky Fowler is 12-1. BTW Tiger is 30-1.

Spieth and DJ tee off together Thurs morning at 4:33 EST

Manny got through the dumbest contest in sports (the HR Derby) without injury, hopefully.

Shane Cockerille switches to Fullback for Terps

Brad Craddock named to Lou Groza watch list

Dez Wells will not play for the Wizards in the Vegas Summer League due to thumb injury

WSOP is down to the final 35 with Daniel Negraneau in hot pursuit

Bruce Posner, Maryland Football, Other Sports, Pro Sports, Ravens, Wizards
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