Chris Wilcox – Northwestern Mutual Postgame Terps v Badgers

Terp star forward from the 2002 National Championship is our guest.

Bruce Posner, Maryland Basketball, Wayne Viener
There is One Response to this Post
  1. freddy from boca

    bruce when the number 2 team in the country is playing at home and gets beat by a team on the bubble it’s an upset.

    3 things wilcox said that stood out. he’d like to show stone has to use his body. it’s february. why isn’t the coaching staff doing that?

    gary took the air out of he ball in practice so they had to pass it and couldn’t dribble. passing the ball is something the terps can do but get away from it much too often. that’s coaching.

    and everyone on wilcox’s team played on the same page. we see it at times on this team but that needs to be seen on far more consistent basis. we’re not in october or november. these guys have played together long enough to know each other

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

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