Maryland Places 7th in Home Attendance Nationally

The NCAA has released the national attendance numbers for the every basketball member for the 2016-2017 season. It’s interesting to look at attendance overall (in all three divisions), however for Terp fans only one statistic will matter, the Men’s Basketball team placed 7th in the NCAA in average home attendance pulling in 16,628 per game.

This is a decrease from the 2015-2016 campaign, where the Terps ranked 5th nationally pulling in just under a sellout at 17,863 a game, but this is still much better than it has been recently. The recent success of the team has undoubtedly led to this recent attendance spike. Many worried about the teams appeal, after the successful 2014-2015 season has lackluster numbers (Maryland was ranked 25th and only pulled in 12,695 a game). However the success of the last three seasons have pushed the Terps into the top 10, where they will hopefully reside long term.

The report on it’s own is interesting and worth checking out here.

Jordan Viener, Maryland Basketball
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