On the Washington Capitals


By Wayne Viener =

I don’t know why the term jinx still come to mind. A 2-0 lead over the Lightening in the conference finals should bring confidence.  After all, we did just dispense of the Penguins. When the series resumes tonight in DC, the Capitals have a chance to bury a few more ghosts.

Or… well see, it is the “or” that brings worry. No Caps team gets through without a sense of doom and/or gloom. How can they be beating anyone 2-0 in a playoff series? What random, spiteful turn of events can occur to bring out the doubters?

For me, the pain of losing still is fresh from the last 20 years. In order to cross over to a believer the Caps need to win one more game. A 3-0 or 3-1 lead will make me a convert.  However the series turns out, as the region continues the wait for the Cup that began in 1974 with the founding of the team, we are still #ALLCAPS.



Capitals, Wayne Viener
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