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Its a little late in getting posted – but here it is – best environment yet for a postgame – take a look
Snappin' Terp
Wahooooo! As an original season ticketholder at the Capital Centre, 44 years is a long time to wait. So proud that the Caps finally did it !!
Reply · 11/12/2019
Wayne Viener
It was a great moment. Looks like you started in 1974, I have been a fan since 1976. It has been a long road my friend. – Wayne
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Snappin' Terp
Wahooooo! As an original season ticketholder at the Capital Centre, 44 years is a long time to wait. So proud that the Caps finally did it !!
Wayne Viener
It was a great moment. Looks like you started in 1974, I have been a fan since 1976. It has been a long road my friend. – Wayne