Decades of petulance, self-serving ego inflating one-upmanship will end on November 17, 2015. That’s the date when the Georgetown Hoyas men’s basketball team will step onto Gary Williams Court at the Xfinity Center in College Park This will be the first time the Hoyas will play in College Park since 1973. The Terps had a pretty good roster that year led by a sophomore guard named John Lucas and anchored in the front court by a pair of seniors – … Read More »

Maryland Basketball, Todd Carton

On a recent broadcast of Terp Talk, host Bruce Posner talked about his excitement over the upcoming season for Maryland men’s basketball. Understandably so. The men’s team is loaded with talent and potential and has been installed by some wise guys in Las Vegas as the early favorite to capture the NCAA title.

On the first of December, Maryland will travel to take on North Carolina in the B1G-ACC Challenge. Exactly one week later, the Terps will travel to Madison … Read More »

Other Maryland Sports, Todd Carton

Those of you who listened to the June 10th edition of Terp Talk might have heard Bruce Posner and I briefly talk about the success of Maryland’s move to the Big Ten and the benefits the athletic department has seen in as the first year of this new relationship draws to a close. I have a story on that in the works that should run next week and that I think many of you will find interesting.

For now, I’d … Read More »

Other Maryland Sports, Todd Carton

Sasho Cirovski, the head coach of the University of Maryland men’s soccer team approaches scheduling with a philosophic belief that he breeds programmatic success by challenging his team early in the season and the 2015 schedule looks to be no exception. By the end of Maryland’s 17 game regular season, the Terps will have faced 10 teams that played in the 2015 NCAA Tournament including the top three seeds.

Because of this aggressive scheduling, slow starts aren’t extraordinary for Cirovski … Read More »

Other Maryland Sports, Todd Carton

Last week I looked at some of the rules changes the NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel (PROP) made for men’s basketball. This week I’ll review some of the changes for the upcoming  women’s basketball season one of which is considerably more dramatic than any of the changes in the men’s game. The big change is one that has long been rumored. Beginning this season, the NCAA women’s game will shift to four 10-minute quarters – a move that impacts not … Read More »

Other Maryland Sports, Todd Carton

If Megan Douty played for a collegiate women’s lacrosse program other than Maryland, she would likely be that program’s brightest star. But Douty plays for a team with an even brighter star, the two time Tewaaraton Award winner, Taylor Cummings. For the second consecutive season the Intercollegiate Women’s Lacrosse Coaches Association (IWLCA) named Douty and Cummings as the national Defender and Midfielder of the Year respectively. I’ll start with Douty just because.

Megan Douty  

Here’s a list of the … Read More »

Other Maryland Sports, Todd Carton

If you’ve ever wanted to have the opportunity to talk with Athletic Director Kevin Anderson or one of the head coaches at Maryland, the Terrapin Club’s Maryland Pride Tour which made the third of its four stops at the Marriott Inner Harbor in Baltimore Thursday night was, perhaps, your grandest opportunity. Because we are about all things Maryland, your entire Terp Talk team was there.

Before I file my report on the evening, let me answer some questions that I’m … Read More »

Other Maryland Sports, Todd Carton

How do you measure success for an NCAA athletic program? Seems like a question with a simple answer, doesn’t it? But as it is with most questions, context plays an crucial role. We will, for purposes of this discussion, ignore the student part of being a student-athlete and restrict ourselves to athletics.

So, let me rephrase the question: With regard to athletics only, how do you measure success for an NCAA athletic program? Even with this restriction, context remains a … Read More »

Other Maryland Sports, Todd Carton

For the second time in as many seasons, Maryland will begin a midsummer search for a new head softball coach so the question is, “Does anyone know a good softball coach who’d like to stay at Maryland for a few years?” After a very promising first season heading the Terrapins’ softball program the University of Maryland announced Thursday afternoon that head coach Courtney Scott-Deifel had accepted the head coaching position at the University of Arkansas.

Scott-Deifel who had been an … Read More »

Other Maryland Sports, Todd Carton

On the most recent edition of Terp Talk (Wednesday at 6:00 pm on Baltimore’s AM 1300), creator and host Bruce Posner spent a few minutes talking about his excitement for the upcoming men’s basketball season. Appropriately for a show called Terp Talk, Bruce’s comments focused on Maryland’s roster, schedule and prospects for when play finally gets underway in November. What he didn’t talk about was the rules changes recently approved by the NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel (PROP – I … Read More »

Maryland Basketball, Todd Carton
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