5-star defensive lineman Byron Cowart talks Terps after spring football practice –

Maryland Football, Wayne Viener

The Wildcats win it all, Joe Loco wins the NonProfit Services 2nd chance bracket challenge with Mason and David Katz among others coming in 2nd place.  Mason was the highest rated player to not have Villanova (he had Michigan).

From my point of view, the Villanova defense had Michigan befuddled for long stretches of the game. Or Michigan missed too many open shots.

The best of Michigan hoops was a bit earlier this season where they destroyed Maryland and rolled … Read More »

NCAA Basketball, Wayne Viener

Wayne, Mason, Todd, and Dennis on all things Terps –

Intern Mason, Radio Shows, Terp Talk, Wayne Viener

Mason leads the pack in first place heading into the Final 4 – he has Michigan as the champ.

In 2nd place is BallParchitect (Eric) selecting Michigan as the champs, Jacks Dog’s (Kansas) and David Katz (Villanova).  All tied up.  Bruce is down the list and Wayne is way down the list.


Bruce Posner, Intern Mason, NCAA Basketball, Wayne Viener

Michigan 9 – UMBC 6.  In two weeks #1 Albany comes in to UMBC.

Postgame videos with photos are on our sister site, InTheCreaseLax.com  – take a look www.inthecreaselax for the interview with former Terp defensive coordinator Kevin Conry who is now the head coach at Michigan.  Also, goalie Tommy Heidt talks the win over UMBC and the next game hosting Maryland in Ann Arbor.

Join Bruce and Wayne for the postgame.  Thanks to Mason for the camera work.

Bruce Posner, Intern Mason, NCAA Lacrosse, Wayne Viener

What a topsy-turvey tournament it has been.  Georgetown Fan leads the 2nd chance bracket challenge as the only fan who picked all 4 games correctly.  We know some folks who went 0-4 last night.

Loyola of Chicago, K-State, FSU and Michigan?  Wow, what a list of winners.  The only one that was overly popular was Michigan.

With both Kentucky and Gonzaga going out, it has left ever more bracket debris in the wake of this fast moving, upset laden tournament.

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NCAA Basketball, Wayne Viener

Bruce Posner and Wayne Viener with guest Pat Coyner

Bruce Posner, Golf, Wayne Viener

Bruce Posner, guest Stan Charles, Wayne Viener, Todd Carton and Danny Kiddoo talk Retrievers –

Bruce Posner, Radio Shows, Sports Maven, Wayne Viener

Terp golfer, Fred Funk along with honoree Bruce Posner –

Bruce Posner, Other Maryland Sports, Wayne Viener

Here is Bruce talking NCAA Tournament with Scott Greene from Rivals. Wayne, Todd, Dennis all on tonight’s show –

Bruce Posner, Radio Shows, Terp Talk, Todd Carton, Wayne Viener
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